Indian Head Massage
Melt Away Stress from Head to Shoulders
Service Description
Indian Head Massage is based on the ancient Ayurvedic healing system using the upper Chakras and this tradition is still carried out in modern India today. Although Indian Head Massage has existed India for many years it has only recently started to gain popularity in the West. This massage works on areas of the body particularly prone to stress, especially the neck and the shoulders where tension affects major muscle groups, it can often bring immediate relief. These tensions are eased and fibrous knots and nodules melt away, The head, more than any other part of our body represents who we are. It is the centre of our nervous system, and home to our identity and intelligence. The Chakra at the top of our head (Crown Chakra) is the one we use to communicate with our higher self. If our head feels good, we feel good. The Indian head massage routine will improve the efficiency of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, remove and disperse toxins from tense muscles and restore flexibility and fluidity of movement. The massage to the head is not only very relaxing but also good for releasing toxins and stimulating organs to work more efficiently, relieves tension, headaches, neck and back pain, alleviates stress and promotes relaxation, assists lymphatic drainage, removing toxins and boosting the immune system. Indian Head Massage reaches all energy centres where tension accumulates. This massage is carried out in an upright seated position, incorporating upper back, chest, shoulders, neck and arms.
Contact Details
17c Merchants Quay, Newry, UK